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Missing Your Ex
If you miss your ex it can be painful and heartbreaking. Even when someone has been out of your life for a long time, it can still hurt so badly.
Watch this video when you miss your ex to be reminded that missing your ex is a natural part of the healing process. You're not bad or wrong for your feelings, and you are certainly not alone.
Nonbinary Dysphoria Explained
As someone who experiences nonbinary dysphoria, I decided to answer some questions that I regularly get. Some nonbinary people do experience dysphoria, and some don't.
In this video I talk about whether or not I bind my chest, and how I feel about my period.
What is nonbinary?
What is non binary? What does non binary mean? For that matter, what does binary even mean? Perspectives about what is means to be non binary, from a nonbinary person :)
What is genderqueer?
In this video I explain what it means to be genderqueer as I share my experience of having a nonbinary gender identity for the first time.
Nonbinary Pronouns and They/Them
What are pronouns? Why are they important? How can you be respectful and inclusive when you're using them? What do gender neutral pronouns have to do with it?
I talk about they/them pronouns, honoring the pronouns of others, and creating educational moments from slip ups.
Nonbinary: girl or a boy?
In this video I discuss when folks can’t figure out if I am a girl or a boy and I handle that experience.